[How-to-Fix] Chrome Adblock & Youtube Auto HD

Great extensions if you're using Google Chrome! :)



AdBlock for Chrome! Block all advertisements on all web pages, even Facebook and Youtube. Your browser is automatically updated with additions to the filter: just click Install, then visit your favorite website and see the ads disappear!

Auto HD for YouTube


Auto HD! With this extension all youtube video start playing in HD. In addition you can specify if you want the player widened.

Useful Wordpress Plugins

Here's a list of useful Wordpress that I'm currently using for my blog. If you happen to know any other plugins that I should know about, feel free to post it on the comment section below :D

1. Add Link to Facebook

This plugin will allow you to publish to Facebook whenever you publish a post on your blog. It automatically adds a link to your posts or pages that are being published to your Facebook wall, pages or groups. Simple one time setup and forget. The way links appear on Facebook can be customized.

2. Akismet

Installed by default when you install Wordpress on your website. You can use it for free and it does a really good job of protecting you from any kind of spam!

3. All in One SEO Pack

Great package for all your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) needs! It's very extensive and you can customize it to your liking. This is a must have if you want to make your blog and content visible on search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.

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