I recently found that you’re able to save multidimensional data to Parse. Saving the data wasn’t a problem though, but getting it back from a ParseObject took me a while before I finally got it working. You have to cast it as an IList first with Get<IList<object>>, and then cycle through each IList item and casting those as an another IList. Then make a temporary List where you add the items from the 2nd IList before adding it to you final multidimensional list.
var iList = ParseObjectClass.Get<IList<object>>("dataName"); // Cast as Object IList List<List<string>> multiList = new List<List<string>>(); // Your final output. foreach( var item in iList ){ var itemList = item as IList<object>; // Cast item as another IList. List<string> tempList = new List<string>(); // Temp list. foreach( var innerItem in tempList ){ tempList.Add(innerItem.ToString()); // Add to temp list. } multiList.Add(tempList ); // Add to final output. } // Print all items. for( int i=0; i<multiList.Count; i++ ){ for( int j=0; j<multiList[i].Count; j++ ){ Debug.Log(multiList[i][j]); } };
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