Visual Story is a storytelling/film class part of my boot camp semester at the Entertainment Technology Center, Carnegie Mellon University. The course combines the traditional notions of a film course — how to use the visual language from film — with the emerging notions of how interactivity changes the way we communicate with an audience.
On my team were Albert Gea, Dicky Lou, Daniel Hausmann and Eric Zhang. And for our first assignment, we had to create a short promo video of our team and team members. Below you can find the deliverable requirements and the final video for the assignment.
1. Each team will create a 10 second animated logo for their respective Visual Story teams.
2. In addition, each team will shoot a 60 second promotional short on your team. The objective is to show off your team’s talent in a creative way. Try to follow a storyline through time and space that depicts your team in the most creative, crazy, or fun way possible. Use all elements of visual grammar and work at building in elements from the first few lectures and workshops.
For the 2nd assignment, we had to recreate a scene from a movie. The choices were “3 Iron”, “Tenacious D”, “American Psycho”, “Stranger than Fiction” and “…”. We picked Tenacious D
Recreating a scene shot for shot
Choose one of the three scenes screened in class and break them down into these three steps (Due with Rough Cut):
1. Text – Dialogue and shot list
2. Images – Storyboard with matching dialogue
3. Schematics – Over head floor plan with numbered camera set-ups
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